
Nov. 18, 2024 – Jun. 1, 2025Parish Registration

Parish Registration lets the Diocese of Rochester know who will be attending NCYC.
You must have the name (first and last) and type (youth, young adult assistant, adult, or group leader) for each pilgrim you are registering.
Group leaders must be registered as pilgrims and complete all fields!
A REQUIRED $350 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is assessed to each pilgrim registered.
NOTE: Number of registrations may be limited!
Substitutions may be made up to June 1 with no charge.

TBDNFCYM NCYC Scholarship Application

June 1, 2025NCYC Pilgrim Registration Due

All fields must be filled out.
Only the Youth Minister or Youth Minister’s Delegate can submit this information Pilgrims CAN NOT enter.

June 1, 2025Rooming Form

Youth, young adult assistants and adults will be 2 per room.
Married couples and clergy will be placed in a room by themselves.
Young adult assistants will be placed in a room with each other or adults.
Private room requests are handled on a case-by-case basis– please contact Office of E&C!
NOTE: Rooming form will be made available for completion once the hotel has been assigned!

June 1, 2025DOR Medical Release Form

Must be completed by ALL participants youth and adults
ALL medications and allergies must be disclosed as well as current/past self-harmful behaviors.

October 1, 2025CASE/Background Check Form

CaSE training date and Background check date must be listed
Pastor must verify and sign this form

November 1, 2025NFCYM/NCYC Legal Agreement Due

The completion of the legal agreement is a part of the participant registration process on the official NFCYM conference registration platform (
The legal must be completed by each participant (youth, young adult assistant, and adult) to attend the conference/receive credentials.

Nov. 18, 2024 - Oct. 1, 2025Change Form (For Deletes & Substitutions Only)

Updated/Emailed RegularlyFinal Payment Worksheet (Generated when first registrations are received)

Payment Schedule

January 31, 2025Early Bird Rate Deposit

$ 350 Per Person

March 31, 2025Regular Rate Deposit

$ 350 Per Person

June 1, 2025Late Rate Deposit

$ 350 Per Person

June 1, 20251st Payment (All Rates)

$ 450 Per Person

August 1, 20252nd Payment (All Rates)

$ 450 Per Person

August 1, 2025Registration Fees

Varies by Parish


**Please select the appropriate rate below. Once the appropriate rate has been selected, make sure to select "Deposit Payment ($350.00)" under "Payment Options". This will ensure that the accurate documentation is generated for payment processing! **

**Please note a person qualifies for a given total cost (above) if we receive the pilgrim registration(s) in the corresponding cost/rate date range. If submitting a registration(s) on the last date of a given cost/rate date range, the registration(s) must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. that day to qualify for the corresponding total cost! **

Pilgrim Information

**Please note you only need the name (first and last) for each pilgrim (youth, young adult assistant or adult) you are registering. Only Group leaders are required to fill in all registration fields!**


NOTE: All NCYC 2025 PAYMENTS MUST BE PAID BY CHECK! Please select the "Pay by Check" payment method option in the Billing Section below! Checks need to be made payable to:

Diocese of Rochester- NCYC 2025
Attn: Mark Capellazzi
1150 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624

Convenience fees do not need to be included in check payments!

Billing Information

RegFox Event Registration Software